1–4 Jul 2009
Lund, Sweden
Europe/London timezone

Travel information

The easiest way to travel to Lund is to fly to Copenhagen Airport and take a train from there to Lund. There is also Malmö Airport, which is slightly closer to Lund, but less convenient to get to and from and, contrary to Copenhagen Airport, it is not frequented by the major airlines.

From Copenhagen airport there are trains every twenty minutes to Malmö. Many of these continue to directly to Lund, but for others you need to change trains in Malmö. Note that during rush hours there are also trains going to Malmö Syd - do not take these trains as they do not go all the way to Malmö C, where you can change trains to Lund.

From the station in Lund you can take  local bus number 1 to "Sparta" where the hotel is. Walking from the station (maked 1 on the <t></t>map) to the hotel (marked 2 on the <t></t><t></t>map) takes less than half an hour.