Sep 4 – 6, 2017
IPPP, Durham
Europe/London timezone

The aim of this workshop is to bring together UK experts in flavour physics working in experiment, phenomenology and lattice QCD to discuss the status and prospects of the field in light of the recent experimental results.

Participation is by invitation only - please contact:

Accommodation will be booked automatically when registering.

Tentative Sessions:

  1. Spectroscopy
  2. Exotics
  3. Kaon Physics
  4. Charm Physics
  5. Rare B-decays
  6. Semileptonic B-decays
  7. Lifetimes and Mixing
  8. Hadronic B-decays
  9. BSM and future developements
  10. CKMfits/FLAG

Organising Committee:

  • Greig Cowan (Edinburgh)
  • Tim Gershon (Warwick)
  • Sebastian Jaeger (Sussex)
  • Andreas Juettner (Southampton)
  • Alexander Lenz (Durham)
  • Matthew Wingate (Cambridge)
IPPP, Durham
OC 218
Physics Department Durham University DH1 3LE United Kingdom