Sep 6 – 8, 2017
IPPP Durham
Europe/London timezone

The second HF@LHC workshop for experimenters and theorists to discuss successes and failures in measurement and simulation of heavy quark production at the LHC and relevant aspects of their decays.

The workshop will bring together experts in areas of LHC physics sensitive to top, bottom, and charm quark production, from both the theory and experimental communities. Focus will be placed on areas where new experimental data is needed as modelling input, and where experimental studies are currently limited by theory uncertainties. Lively discussion is strongly encouraged!

This workshop is organised within the workshop programme of the Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology (IPPP) at Durham University, and financially supported by an IPPP Experimental Fellowship.


Scientific programme

The main session themes will be:

  •   B-production and decay
  •   Vector boson/top + HF
  •   Top quark differential measurements & PDFs
  •   Top observable MC modelling; and
  •   Charm production.

Please contact the organisers if you wish to propose a talk, particularly within these themes.

We are "live-sourcing" issues for discussion throughout the workshop, via the online form here.



For questions and inquiries please contact the organisers

  • Andy Buckley (
  • Mark Owen (
  • Chris Pollard (
  • Sarah Boutle (
  • Frank Krauss (



IPPP Durham