16–17 Dec 2021
Centre for Particle Theory, Durham
Europe/London timezone

A Good and Fun way to lift Supergravity Moduli

16 Dec 2021, 16:00
Room 2 (Zoom)

Room 2


20 minutes talk Full-length talks


George Smith (Imperial College London)


Moduli in Supergravity compactifications are fields which parameterise properties of the compactificaiton space such as its volume or the size of its cycles. If the effective field theory potential is degenerate in the moduli directions then these moduli appear as massless scalars in the effective theory for which there is no experimental evidence. More seriously if the moduli have no VEV the theory cannot be used to make any predictions at all. Most concrete compactification results come from setting the theories fluxes to zero and so produce effective theories with a large number of massless scalars. Allowing the flux to be non-zero produces a potential for the moduli and a more phenomenologically realistic effective theory. In this talk we produce a more natural and rigorous way to calculate the number of remaining moduli which involves flows on infinite dimensional spaces.

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Primary author

George Smith (Imperial College London)

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