16–17 Dec 2021
Centre for Particle Theory, Durham
Europe/London timezone

Primordial black hole formation with full numerical relativity

17 Dec 2021, 09:15
Room 2 (Zoom)

Room 2


20 minutes talk Full-length talks


Eloy de Jong (King's College London)


I will talk about studying the formation of black holes from subhorizon and superhorizon perturbations in a matter dominated universe with 3+1D numerical relativity simulations. We find that there are two primary mechanisms of formation depending on the initial perturbation's mass and geometry -- via direct collapse of the initial overdensity and via post-collapse accretion of the ambient dark matter. In both cases, the duration of the formation the process is around a Hubble time, and the initial mass of the black hole is $M_{BH}∼10^{−2}H^{−1}M_{\text{Pl}}$. Post formation, we find that the PBH undergoes rapid mass growth beyond the self-similar limit $M_{BH}\propto H^{−1}$, at least initially. We argue that this implies that most of the final mass of the PBH is accreted from its ambient surroundings post formation.

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Primary authors

Eloy de Jong (King's College London) Prof. Eugene Lim (King's College London) Josu C. Aurrekoetxea (King's College London)

Presentation materials