29 August 2023 to 1 September 2023
Durham University
Europe/London timezone

Parametrising profiled likelihoods with neural networks

31 Aug 2023, 09:30
PH8 (James Duff Lecture Theatre) (Durham University)

PH8 (James Duff Lecture Theatre)

Durham University

Rochester Building Lower Mountjoy South Rd, Durham DH1 3LE


Humberto Reyes-Gonzalez


Full statistical models encapsulate the complete information of an experimental result, including the likelihood function given observed data. Since a few years ago ATLAS started publishing statistical models that can be reused via the pyhf framework; a major step towards fully publishing LHC results. In the case of fast Simplified Model Spectra based reinterpretation we are often only interested in the profiled likelihood given a signal strength. However, their computation using pyhf take the order of seconds per parameter point, slowing down SMS reinterpretation by orders of magnitude. Thus, to fully leverage from the precision obtained from full statistical models without compromising speed, we propose to learn the profiled likelihood functions with Neural Networks (NNs). We show that such functions can be well described with simple NNs, that can be easily published in the ONNX format.

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