Jun 17 – 20, 2024
National Galleries of Scotland
Europe/London timezone

θ-vacua, asymmetric Hawking radiation and baryogenesis from primordial black holes

Jun 19, 2024, 1:30 PM
National Galleries of Scotland

National Galleries of Scotland

The Mound, Edinburgh, EH2 2EL Scotland


Prof. Archil Kobakhidze (The University of Sydney)


In empty Minkowski space, the CP-violating electroweak θ-term can be rotated away by the redefinition of quark and lepton states by anomalous B+L phase transformations. I will argue this is no longer true in black hole spacetime, where non-zero θ-term remains on the black hole horizon. This boundary term acts as a source of CP-asymmetric Hawking radiation. The phenomenon may be responsible for cosmological baryogenesis from primordial black holes.

Primary author

Prof. Archil Kobakhidze (The University of Sydney)

Presentation materials