16–17 Dec 2021
Centre for Particle Theory, Durham
Europe/London timezone

An Introduction to Causal Set Theory

16 Dec 2021, 15:04
Room 1 (Zoom)

Room 1


5 minutes talk Gong show talks


Ansh Bhatnagar (IPPP)


Causal Set Theory (CST) is an approach to quantum gravity which asserts that spacetime is fundamentally a locally finite partially ordered set that encodes a causal ordering between elements. In this theory, the continuous manifold is simply an emergent phenomenon, with the discreteness of spacetime becoming significant at the Planck scale. In this talk I will review the causal sets programme, discuss the motivation for a discrete spacetime, and go through key developments such as potential mechanisms for causal set growth as well as the Benincasa-Dowker-Glaser action for causal sets.

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Primary author

Ansh Bhatnagar (IPPP)

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