The conference dinner will take place at the Alishaan restaurant, at 19:30 on Thursday 12, July. Here is a map showing the location of Alishaan (very close to the train station).
Alishaan: 50 North Road, Durham, DH1 4SF
This is the list of people that have so far signed up for dinner. If your name is not here and you want to come for dinner, please contact the organisers.
Tomas Alquezar
Nicolas Angelides
Ian Bailey
Alice Baxter
Nassim Bozorgnia
Andy Buckley
David G. Cerdeño
Andrew Cheek
Edward Daw
Jim Dobson
Anthony Ezeribe
Benjamin Farmer
Malcolm Fairbairn
Paul Frampton
Chamkaur Ghag
Edward Hardy
Omar Jahangir
Hans Kraus
Elizabeth Leason
Pawel Majewski
Christopher McCabe
Emma Meehan
Alexander Murphy
Athoy Nilima
Ibles Olcina
Darren Price
Justin Read
Paul Scovell
Umit Utku