July 13, 2018
IPPP, Durham University
Europe/London timezone



Jul 13, 2018, 8:50 AM
PH8 (IPPP, Durham University)


IPPP, Durham University

Physics Department Durham University DH1 3LE Durham


Session: Astrophysics and Cosmology

  • David G. Cerdeño (IPPP, Durham University)

Session: Underground physics

  • Jim Dobson (University College London)

Session: Pen and paper physics

  • Christopher McCabe (University of Amsterdam)

Session: Status updates

  • Nassim Bozorgnia (IPPP, Durham University)

Session: Open Discussion

  • Chamkaur Ghag (UCL)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
David G. Cerdeño (IPPP, Durham University)
7/13/18, 8:50 AM
Carlos Frenk (ICC, Durham University)
7/13/18, 9:00 AM
Justin Read (University of Surrey)
7/13/18, 9:30 AM
Nassim Bozorgnia (IPPP, Durham University)
7/13/18, 10:00 AM
Paul Scovell (Boulby Underground Laboratory)
7/13/18, 11:00 AM
Pawel Majewski (STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
7/13/18, 11:30 AM
Darren Price (University of Manchester)
7/13/18, 12:00 PM
Malcolm Fairbairn (King's College London)
7/13/18, 1:30 PM
Ed Hardy (University of Liverpool)
7/13/18, 2:00 PM
Luca Di Luzio
7/13/18, 2:30 PM
Neil Spooner (University of Sheffield)
7/13/18, 3:30 PM
Alex Murphy (University of Edinburgh)
7/13/18, 4:00 PM
Andrew Cheek (Institute of Particle Physics Phenomenology)
7/13/18, 4:30 PM
Building timetable...