UK ESPPU drafting meeting

Daresbury Laboratory
Jim Clarke (STFC), Ruben Saakyan (UCL), Sarah Williams (University of Cambridge)

The first drafting day will take place at Daresbusy Laboratory (, and a zoom connection will be available to faciliate hybrid participation.

We aim to prepare the text for the UK’s national input for the ESPPU through a series of community drafting days. These will be open to all, and run in a hybrid manner. We hope that a lot of the drafting can be performed in ‘real-time’, following discussions of suggested sample statements prepared by the drafting team and in light of discussions of input provided by projects. Both the project inputs and the list of "sample statements" will be made available to the community (through the agenda) on Wednesday 30th October such that those unable to attend on 4th November can provide comments. Details on the information that will be requested from projects can be found in the slides here: 

Following the first drafting day in November, an initial draft/summary of discussions will be circulated around the community for comments and to encourage further reflection ahead of the second drafting day in January.

The members of the drafting team are listed below. The role of the drafting team is to faciliate the drafting of the input, through preparing (a range of) draft statements to be discussed at the drafting day(s), and following up on suggestions/ comments in between meetings. The drafting team has representation across a range of experimental particle physics areas (collider and non-collider), particle physics theory, accelerator and detector R+D, software and computing and from the Early Career Researcher (ECR) community. Where possible members have been drawn from current PPAP membership, the UK delegates on plenary ECFA or selected after consultation with those leading efforts in the UK. The drafting team will be coordinated by Ruben Saakyan (chair of PPAP), Sarah Williams (UK delegate on plenary ECFA) and Jim Clarke (Director of ASTeC).

Drafting team: Julia Allen*, Daniela Bortoletto, Jim Clarke, Davide Costanzo, Patrick Dougan*, Sinead Farrington, Henning Flaecher, Joel Goldstein, Mark Lancaster, Atanu Modak*, Holly Pacey*, Chris Parkes, Haroon Rafique, Aidan Robson , Ruben Saakyan, Michael Spannowsky, Jessica Turner, Mark Williams, Sarah Williams, Matthew Wing (* ECR membership to be augmented with the new ECFA-ECR representatives upon changeover in January 2025)

The UK's national input will be organised around (but not necessarily limited to) the set of questions provide by the ESG ( which are also paste in the relevant sessions of the drafting day. The national input will be restricted to a 10-page limit for the main body of the text. Following the second drafting day, the draft will be compiled into a complete document  in February to be circulated to the community for comments and feedback. This will allow time for a second draft to be circulated to the community early/mid March to be submitted by the deadline on 31st March.

  • Aidan Robson
  • Alex Keshavarzi
  • Chris Rogers
  • Christos Leonidopoulos
  • David Newbold
  • Francesca Di Lodovico
  • Graeme Burt
  • Haroon Rafique
  • Jens Dopke
  • Jim Clarke
  • Joel Goldstein
  • Jonathan Butterworth
  • mario campanelli
  • Mark Lancaster
  • Matthew Wing
  • Oleg Brandt
  • Patrick Dougan
  • Philip Burrows
  • Ruben Saakyan
  • Sarah Williams
  • William Barter
  • +6